If you missed yesterday’s webinar – Managing raised intracranial pressure in children: Challenges from LMIC + HIC. You can now watch the recording here Many thanks to the excellent speakers, & panelists for sharing their expertise and knowledge.
- March 17, 2022
In the February World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Robert Tasker discusses his first year as Editor-in-Chief of the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Journal. Dr. Tasker gives an in-depth look at some of the publication data and reviews the articles...
- February 22, 2022
If you missed our 2nd AHP Committee webinar on the February 17th at 4pm EST / 9pm UTC, the recording is now available here During this webinar, a child life specialist in the United States and a health play specialist...
- January 21, 2022
Climate change is one of the critical global challenges of our time, with significant current and potential future impact on child health globally. In line with statements and policies by the World Health Organisation (WHO), WFPICCS envisages the provision of...
- January 10, 2022
You can now watch the recording here if you missed the live “WFPICCS Travelling Around the Peds ICU Community” webinar which focused “Managing acute kidney injury in high vs low resource settings – differences and challenges” and took place on...
- November 26, 2021
Summary This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages exploratory/developmental research grant applications, piloting innovative, collaborative research projects with low- and middle-income country (LMIC) institutions/ scientists on brain and other nervous system-related function and disorders throughout life, relevant to LMICs. Research on...
- October 5, 2021
Many thanks to our webinar moderators, Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim and Intikhab Zafurallah (Zaf) and our wonderful speakers, trainees Arghode Swaroop, Adnaan Mustafa and expert speaker Martin Kneyber for sharing their time and knowledge during the “Managing ARDS in...
- September 14, 2021
If you missed the WFPICCS-SLACIP webinar on September 3, you can now watch the recording here. Many thanks to our moderators and panelists for their time and expertise.
- September 6, 2021