2021 World PICU Awareness Week & Day

2021 World PICU Awareness Week & Day

The World PICU Awareness Week Committee exists to raise awareness about #PedsICU in general and any important themes impacting the specialty by engaging members and key stakeholders in awareness and advocacy activities at a global and regional level.  This 7 day event culminates in World PICU Awareness Day on the 2nd Friday of May, annually.

Chairs:  Ann-Marie Brown & Luca Tortorolo

Sandy Staveski, USA, North America

Yonca Bulut, USA, North America / Turkey, Asia

Nate Serazin, USA, North America

Charlene Pringle, USA, North America

Kristen Waddell, USA, North America

Ivie D. Esangbedo, USA, North America/ Nigeria, Africa

Jodi Mullen, USA, North America

Colleen Breen, Canada, North America

Blythe Pollack, USA, North America

Mary Lihinie deAlmeida, USA, North America

Sebastian Godoy Salinas, Chile, Latin America

Adriana Ramírez Barrientos, Colombia, Latin America

Natalia Andrea Henao Murilllo, Colombia, Latin America

Santiago Martínez , Chile, Latin America

Leonor Varela, Ecuador, Latin America

Werther Brunow de Carvalho, Brazil, Latin America

Cintia Johnston, Brazil, Latin America

Veronica Dubay, Argentina, Latin America

Felipe Verscheure, Chile, Latin America

Milagros López, Peru, Latin America

Milind Jambagi, India, Asia

Rakshay Shetty, India, Asia

Deepika Harish, India, Asia

Hwa Jin Cho, South Korea, Asia

Rodelia G. Cipriano, The Philippines, Asia

Alvin C. Florentino, The Philippines, Asia

Mellinor A. Ang, The Philippines, Asia

Qalab Abbas, Pakistan, Asia

Sidra Ishaque, Pakistan, Asia

Debbie Long, Australia, Oceania

Paul Holmes, Australia, Oceania

Sarah Wright, Australia, Oceania

Ali Ferguson, Australia, Oceania

Brenda Morrow, South Africa, Africa

Irene Chueu, South Africa, Africa

Aser Mehemed, Libya, Africa

Beyra Rossouw, South Africa, Africa

Ilse Appel, South Africa, Africa

Manal Alasnag, Saudi Arabia, Middle East

Maha Ahmad, Saudi Arabia, Middle East

Feras Abu Dayeh, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Miguel Rodríguez Rubio, Spain, Europe

Martin Kneijber, The Netherlands, Europe

Akash Deep, UK, Europe

Anna Zanin, Italy, Europe

Simon Gates, UK, Europe

Pauline Janssen-Raymkers, The Netherlands, Europe

Bianka Rama, Italy, Europe

Underlying World PICU Awareness Week theme – the state of the PICU(s) regionally.   Each region will choose a topic relevant to their region and organise a 1-hour pre-recorded webinar which will be launched on their awareness and will include a live Q&A component at a time convenient to each region.   The World PICU Day will be organised by WFPICCS.

The allocated days for each region in 2021 are:

  • Saturday 8th May – North America
  • Sunday 9th May – Latin/South America
  • Monday 10th May – Oceania
  • Tuesday, 11th May – Africa
  • Wednesday 12th May – Asia
  • Thursday 13th May – Europe/Middle East
  • Friday 14th May – World PICU Day

Some countries are also organising their own World PICU Awareness Week activities for example Japan – learn more here

Daily program during 2021 World PICU Awareness Week

8th May – North America – 18.00 EST / 17.00 CDT / 15.00 PDT

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Title: A day in the life in the PICU – a North American perspective

Objective: To highlight the multi-disciplinary nature of our respective PICUs by having colleagues from different disciplines discuss their role in the PICU and reflect on the question of what is made possible for our patients through collaboration

  1. Collaborator Videos:  ~ 3-5 minute videos from each of the following groups that describe what they do, how collaboration improves care for patients, and how this changes what we are capable of doing in our units.
    1. Respiratory Therapy
    2. Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech Therapy
    3. Perfusionist (ECMO Specialist)
    4. Pharmacist/Nutritionist
    5. Bedside nurse/Wound Care Nurse
    6. Child Life – School Educator, Music Therapy, Pet Therapy, Art Therapy
    7. Case Manager/Social Worker
    8. Front line providers (Residents, Fellows, APPs)
    9. Palliative/Pain teams (Urban Zen)
  • Panel Discussion: collect questions from participants to addressed by our group
  • Conclusion – a slide show of pictures (HIPPAA appropriate) from our units.

9th May – Latin America & Caribbean – 19.00 CLT  20.00 BRT 16.00 PDT (in Spanish/Portuguese)

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Title:  PICUs in Latin America

  1. Reality of health professionals working in pediatric intensive care units in Latin American
    countries / Realidad de los profesionales que trabajan en las UCIPs de los paises de latinoamerica (PT. Sebastián Godoy Salinas, Chile).
  2. Role of the family in the PICU / La familia en las unidades de paciente critico pediatrico.  (Nurse Natalia Henao, Nurse Adriana Ramirez, Colombia)
  3. Collaborative multidisciplinary research group for the production of scientific evidence in
    Latin America, in pediatric intensive care /Investigación clínica multiprofesional en UTI Pediatrica en Latinoamerica. (PT. PhD. Cintia Johnston, Brazil)

Moderators: Werther Brunow Carvalho and Pietro Pietroboni

Followed by Live Q & A session

10th May – Oceania – 18.00 AEST / 20.00 NZST

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Title: From Outback to Critical Care

Summary: The team from Oceania present the challenges faced in supporting paediatric critical services across the diverse state of Queensland. They look at the changes in culture within PICU and the positive impact on children, families and the workforce and then look to the future in team working. This is translated into the current collaborative global research being undertaken and lessons learnt are shared.

Presentations – Speakers

  1. Paediatric Critical Care Retrievals in Queensland: Paul Holmes (Director); Ann Maree Brady (Clinical Nurse Consultant); Florian Pracher (PICU Staff Specialist), Australia
  2. Cultural Change in PICU: Liberation & staff wellbeing
  3. Alexandra (Ali) Ferguson, (Physiotherapist Advanced Critical Care); Rahul Joshi, (Staff Specialist PICU/CCCU),  Australia
  4. Future Directions: team working & research collaborations: Paula Lister (Director PCCU); Debbie Long (Assoc. Prof, QUT School of Nursing), Australia

Followed by Live Q & A session

11th May – Africa – 17.00 SAST / 15.00 GMT 

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Title: Critical Care Diversity in Africa – Building capacity

Presentations – Speakers

  1. Critical care needs across Africa – Elizabeth Molyneux (Malawi, Paediatrics)
  2.  Training in Critical care, African Fellowship Program – Charlyne Kilba (Ghana, PICU)
  3. Setting up PICU where none previously available – John Appiah  (Ghana, PICU)
  4. Using high tech in low tech environments (Peritoneal Dialysis)- Mignon McCulloch (South Africa, PICU, Renal)
  5. Nursing perspectives throughout Africa in Critical Care – Minette Coetzee (South Africa, Paediatric Critical Care Nursing)
  6. Covid response in resource limited setting – Ilse Appel, Noor Parker  (South Africa, PICU)

Followed by Live Q & A session:  Session Chair: Brenda Morrow

  • Experiences of Covid across Africa
  • ICU Bed Availability across Africa – inequalities, current situation, how to improve
  • Critical care needs across Africa, Teams in PICU
  • WFPICCS 2022 introduction – poster display

12th May – Asia – 14:30 PKT / 15:00 IST / 17:30 PHST / 18:30 KST

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Title: Current state of PICUs in Asia: learning from the past and embracing the future

Introduction and inauguration of the ‘World PICU awareness week 2021’ to the audience – live by the committee members.

  1.  The past – challenges and barriers in PICU in Asia – Alvin C. Florentino, Mellinor A. Ang, Rodelia G. Cipriano (The Philippines)
  2. Current state and scope of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Training in Asia – Milind Jambagi (India)
  3. Current state and scope of Pediatric Critical Care Nursing in Asia – Deepika Harish (India)
  4. Challenges and Priorities for the Pediatric Critical Care Physician in the LMICs – Sidra Ishaque (Pakistan)
  5. Impact and Potential opportunities of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in LMICs – Qalab Abbas (Pakistan)
  6. Status and scope of research in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in Asia – Hwa Jin Cho (South Korea)
  7. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine in LMICs & Asia: Future directions?  – Rakshay Shetty (India)

Followed by Live Q & A session 

13th May – Europe/Middle East – 13.00 BST / 14.00 CST / 16.00 GST

Watch video here

Watch Q&A recording here

Theme: Extending the boundaries of multi-disciplinary research through collaboration

Objective:  Focusing on critical care research, we will discuss what people do in different areas within our regions.  More specifically, we will be looking at how research can be encouraged and streamlined and how we can collaborate across disciplines and continents.

  1. Collaborative International Research Moving Forwards In The Face Of Challenges -Waleed Alhazzani (Canada)
  2. Nursing Lead In Collaborative Research – Joseph Manning (UK) & Paulien Raymakers- Janssen (The Netherlands)
  3. Navigating Funding and legislation – Mark Peters (UK)
  4. Epidemiology, Datasets and Collaborative Research: what does the field need to know? – Robert Tasker (UK)

Followed by Live Q & A session 

14th May – World PICU Day – 06.00 PTD / 09.00 EST / 10.00 ART / 14.00 BST / 18.30 IST / 21.00 SGT / 23.00 AEST

Watch video here

Watch full webinar including polls & Q&A here

Welcome and opening by WFPICCS President, Satoshi Nakagawa; WFPICCS President-elect, Brenda Morrow; WFPICCS Vice President Nursing & World PICU Awareness Week Committee Co-Chair Ann-Marie and World PICU Awareness Week Committee Co-Chair, Luca Tortorolo.

Three (3)  interdisciplinary reps from each region will be asked the same three (3) questions:

  1. What is changing now in your PICU that will have the most lasting impact in your multidisciplinary PICU care?
  2. What is the biggest challenge you see in your PICU practice in the next 5 years?
  3. What do you see as the role of the family in improving PICU outcomes?
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