World PICU Awareness Week (WPAW) is taking place from May 8 -12, 2023.
On May 12, World PICU Day, WFPICCS, in collaboration with OPENPediatrics, is delighted to bring you a live panel discussion – Sepsis guidelines for early recognition, resuscitation, and management: Global Perspectives, starting at 14.00 UTC.
The panel will include several regional experts and be moderated by Dr Mark Ansermino, co-chair, Sepsis CoLab & Director, Centre for International Child Health, BC Children’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
The panelists will:
- Provide a brief summary of their participation in the development of the implementation of guidelines for use in facilities for either recognition, resuscitation or management of sepsis.
- Provide a brief of ONE success in either the development or implementation of sepsis guidelines in their institution.
- Provide a brief of ONE challenge/ failure in either the development or implementation of sepsis guidelines in their institutions.
We invite you to register here!
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