Late-Breaking Abstract/Case Submission

Late-Breaking Abstract/Case Submission

On behalf of the Scientific Committee of WFPICCS 2024 / 12th Congress of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies, we would like to thank you for submitting your work for presentation. The on-line submission and evaluation process will be administered by the Congress Organizing Secretariat.

The Late-Breaking Abstract/Case Submission Deadline: Tuesday, March 26, 2024, by 23:59 EST (GMT -5): CLOSED

ONLY POSTER Late-Breaking Abstract/Case Submission Deadline: April 15, 2024, by 23:59 EST (GMT -5)

Please make sure to check your time difference to determine the submission deadline according to your local time.


Please take a moment to read the guidelines below before submitting your late-breaking abstract/case:


  • All abstracts/cases must be written in English.
  • All abstracts/cases must be submitted online through the abstract submission system. Abstracts/Cases that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract review process.
  • Use acronyms only when necessary and define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract/case at first use.
  • Always make sure to check the final abstract with the system’s preview function before submission and edit or replace as necessary. It is the authors’ responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
  • The submitting and presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract/case before the submission.
  • Only the abstracts/cases of presenting authors who have completed their registrations and paid their registration fees by the registration deadline for abstract/case presenters (April 4, 2024) will be included in the Scientific Program, in the PDF abstract book.



 STEP 1 – Title, Submission Type and Topic

  • Title: can contain maximum 25 words.
  • Submission Type: Please choose one of the following.
    • Abstract Submission (Abstract body should not exceed 250 words and should consist of four sections: Background and Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions.)
    • Case Submission (Case body should not exceed 500 words and should consist of four sections: Case history, Investigations (if appropriate) and results, Management/course and outcome and Conclusions and discussion/learning points.)
  • Topic: A topic that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during Step 1 of the submission process. The Scientific Committees reserve the right to change the topics during the abstract review process.
    The topics for WFPICCS 2024 are listed on the Congress website. Please CLICK HERE to review the topics before proceeding with the submission process.
  • Presentation Preference: Please choose one of the following.
    – Oral presentation
    – Poster presentation
    – No preference
    The Scientific Committees reserves the right to change the presentation preference according to the requirements of the scientific program.

STEP 2 – Authors and Institution Information

  • First and last name of all the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order. Please pay attention matching institutions to the right authors, and make sure that you select the “presenting author” correctly.
  • The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the “department” and “institution” names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Univ., Inst., Hosp., etc. The department and institution details, city and country should be written with lower case while the initials of each word in capitals.

STEP 3 – Keywords

  • Minimum 1 keyword is required and maximum 5 keywords can be entered.

STEP 4, 5, 6, 7 – Abstract/Case Sections

  • If selected to submit an abstract the abstract body should consist of 4 sections:
    • Background and Aim,
    • Methods,
    • Results,
    • Conclusions.
  • All abstract body sections together should not exceed 250 words.
  • If selected to submit a case the case body should consist of four sections:
    • Case history,
    • Investigations (if appropriate) and results,
    • Management/course and outcome and
    • Conclusions and discussion/learning points.
  • All case body sections together should not exceed 500 words.

STEP 8 – Questions

  • Some questions about profession, career level, and possible award applications are being asked at this step. It is required to answer all questions before submitting your abstract.

STEP 9 – Affirmation

Agreement with affirmation items will be needed to be able to proceed with abstract submission.

STEP 10 – Disclosure

Please declare if you or any of the co-authors have a significant financial interest, consultancy or other relationship with products, manufacturer(s) of products or providers of services related to the abstract.

STEP 11 – Preview and Finish

  • The submission summary will be shown ready for submission.
  • If there are any missing required fields, a message is displayed in red.
  • Please click the button Finish Submission to submit your abstract.

• Please do NOT submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
• Please make sure to save your username and password for future use. If you cannot remember your credentials, please get in contact with the Congress Organizing Secretariat at (
• You can make edits on your abstract up until the deadline date.


All submitted Late-Breaking abstracts will be scored and pass through a review process after the submission closes. The notification letters about acceptance of the abstracts will be sent at the beginning of April 2024.


The presenting authors must be registered for the Congress latest by April 4, 2024 which is the registration deadline for abstract presenters.

Abstracts of unregistered presenting authors who do not complete their registrations (including payment) by this deadline will be removed from the final program and all publications.


Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. Please contact us directly at, should you have any specific inquiries.

The Late-Breaking abstract submission system will close by the deadline on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, by 23:59 EST (GMT -5). Please make sure to check your time difference to determine the submission deadline according to your local time.

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