Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et Urgences Pédiatriques (GFRUP)


The French Society of Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (GFRUP for Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et Urgences Pédiatriques) is a professional organization composed by Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Emergency Care and Pediatric Specialized Mobile Intensive Care Unit health care providers. To date, more than 296 health care providers are members of the society, including 278 physicians and 18 nurses.

Our website provide all information to Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine community in French speaking countries, including scientific information, news and job opportunities.

Our Board is elected by members every three years. The GFRUP have 3 active scientific committees in order to promote research in the field of Pediatric Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Transport. Different subgroups are also included in the GFRUP, such as Pulmonology Group, Nutrition Group, Web committee, etc.

The GFRUP has a strong collaboration with ESPNIC and the annual congress of the GFRUP is affiliated to the French Intensive Care National Congress occurring in January ( and to the French Pediatric Society Congress occurring in May (

The GFRUP has several objectives:

– To improve the level of care of patients with acute and/or severe illness

– To spread scientific knowledge in Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

– To sustain effective cooperation between all health care professionals

– To support and encourage basic, translational and clinical research

– To support and organize the official Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine training program

– To implement educational guidelines in the field of Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

– To organize advanced courses in Pediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (3 and 5 specific teaching courses per year)