Become a Partner
WFPICCS believes that only by improving the standard of intensive and critical care around the world can we improve the outcome of children suffering from life threatening illnesses and injuries. For this reason, we have been trying to build an international network that would further research on how to improve the care of critically ill children throughout the world and make that knowledge available to those who care for the children.
Along the process, we aspire to work with and receive support from institutions, organizations, and companies that share similar missions via the following projects:
Travel grants: assist physicians, nurses and allied health professionals from low resource settings to participate in WFPICCS congresses.
PedsBasic: organising a Peds BASIC courses to enhance the skills and professional knowledge of doctors and nurses working in pediatric intensive and critical care.
Research: providing research grants for colleagues to conduct pertinent pediatric critical care research in their own settings.
If your company is interested in becoming a partner for our project, please contact us on:
Your contribution will assure our success of the current projects and implementation of new ideas in the future.